Business Exit Strategy Case Study
A business owner wishing to sell their business was unsatisfied with the initial appraisal. It did not line up with what the owner desired for their enterprise. They needed help building company value over 6 months so the owner could successfully sell and exit.
The owner wanted a short-term solution to line up with their timeline of exiting the business in six months. It required rapid, effective change that would reflect on the overall value of the business so they could exit with more value. Realistically, they had to understand certain limitations due to the timeline and manage their expectations.
Working directly with the owner, a plan formed over 6 months:
- Dedicated their time to working hands-on with the team
- Focused on collaboration and visibility in office to positively impact operations
- Increased net margins without increasing employees, which in turn increased the net profits per employee
- Resolved gap in EBITDA to increase margins by 10%, which also increased the appraisal value
The business owner successfully sold the business within 10% of the asking price after negotiations were finalized. The thorough evaluation of the business also inspired a solid buyer who paid with a lump sum. Instead of taking payments over 4-5 years, the owner was able to comfortably retire or invest in other ventures.
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