Drive Business Online with seo services
SEO Services in St. Paul, MN.
In order to drive traffic to your site pages and for search engines like Google to rank you well, your website needs strategic planning. Search Engine Optimization, known as SEO, is the practice of making your website search engine-friendly so that you appear organically in SERPs related to your industry. Elements like site structure, title tags, and keyword-enriched text all work to increase your website’s visibility on Google, Bing, and others. It then goes hand in hand with your content marketing.
What you Say Matters
Before jumping into writing your website text, we do keyword research to find optimal terms for your industry and brand. We only utilize white hat SEO practices—that means no keyword stuffing, no excessive inbound links, and no invisible keywords. The keywords we select will be used across all of your online identities to keep your brand and voice consistent.

Sustainable Content for Your Brand
More content equals more ways for the algorithm to positively rank your website during searches. It’s a best practice to update your website with new text on a monthly basis in order to keep search engines happy, which is time consuming for business owners. We write between one to four blogs a month for our clients that are filled with relevant information and important keywords. While planning the blog schedule, we search competitor sites and Google to see what industry topics are trending or considered evergreen. All you have to do is approve them.
Keyword-rich text on your website drives business and gets you the results you want. We’ll develop the best strategy for your business to make sure your messages are delivered to your most desired audience. Learn more about our website design and hosting services.

Points of Interest in St. Paul, Minnesota: