Our Real-World Success Stories


Smiling Mature Middle Aged Business Woman at her desk

Independent Mental Health Clinic

Turning Slim Margins into Sustainable Growth

It was a practice with a million dollars in sales but only a 5% margin that was barely breaking even. It was determined that to scale the business, more efficient operations would need to be put in place.

Information Technology Service Company

Reversing a Three-Year Decline

 An IT service company that had been steadily losing business over the previous three years due to customers moving to application hosting companies.

Independent Home Health Care Organization

Rebuilding After a Health Crisis

 A solo entrepreneur with business in decline. To help rebuild the business after a year-long absence of the owner due to health concerns, key hires were necessary.

Business Partner Management

Resolving Partnership Conflicts

 A business with a 50/50 partnership between its owners determined a need for extended processes. There was no structure for decision-making and growth strategy, causing conflict among partners and the team.

Family Business Succession

Smooth Transition of Ownership

A family business where the owner, the father, was running day-to-day operations and transferring ownership responsibilities to the children. They needed help finding a bank to help them purchase the company and the building.

Business Exit Strategy

Maximizing Value for a Profitable Exit

A business owner who wished to sell their business was unsatisfied with the initial appraisal, so they contacted us. They needed help building company value over six months for the owner to sell and exit successfully.

Growth Partnership Mission Statement

Our team is committed to partnering with business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs to accelerate the creation of company value.

Our Committment and Core Values

Our mission is to drive profit growth, foster teamwork, and ensure smart, accountable growth. Your success is our success, and these case studies prove it.

Profit growth is a good and valued goal.

Teamwork is the only path to true success.

Measured, accountable, smart growth is why we exist.

Your success is our success.